2024 Recital Program Ads

What a special way to showcase your beautiful dancer!

Parents, grandparents, family and friends - congratulate and share a personal message to your dancer on their special day!

Ad rates and sizes are the same as business ads. Email us a picture and include your personal message (in our online form), and we will create an ad for you! You can also send us a complete ad you have created yourself.

Deadline to Order: April 20, 2024

Click “Add to Cart” below to confirm your ad space

Sample Quarter Page Ads

2024 Recital Program Ad: Quarter (1/4) Page

Quarter Page Ad: $65

Online Convenience fee (4%): $2.60

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Sample Half Page Ads

2024 Recital Student Program Ad: Half (1/2) Page

Half Page Ad: $125

Online Convenience fee (4%): $5

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Sample Full Page & Cover Page Ads

2024 Recital Program Ad: Full Page

Full Page Ad: $225

Online Convenience fee (4%): $9

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2024 Recital Program Ad: Cover Page

*A $250 deposit is required to reserve space.

Back Cover: $650 (1 available)

Front Inside Cover: $400 (1 available)

Back Inside Cover: $400 (1 available)

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